Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Test of Faith and the Pursuit of Passion

Would jaded be the correct term? Perhaps mellow. Relieved definitely, but there is something else as well. These last couple of weeks have been a true test of my metal. I have spent 14 hour days with half hour lunches working my fingers to the bone. I have not slept nights, been in the bottomless pit of desperation and doubted my very core. But in the end, all things come to a point, a climax, an apex where all your work and toiling show you if it was all worth it. Or if will come crashing down on you.

As I sat in the lecture hall, my work displayed under the spot lights, highlighted by the black velvet behind the glint of the metal, I couldn't help but think - this is what I am supposed to do. I was happy with everything I had done. Sure I had some issues with some of the projects, but who doesn't? I am learning after all.

Some of the others had said their juried critiques earlier in the day had been "interesting". Apparently some of the teachers were not morning people. I scheduled by crit right after lunch thinking that they would be awake, full of food, and energy. Hopefully, they would be in a good mood. They were.

They had nothing but good things to say about all my pieces.
-strong, interesting designs
-incredible detail
-attention to finishing
-focus on creating high quality pieces
-submitting to exhibitions and competitions is a must

They had nice things to say about me as well.
-I listen, and I try and take any advice to heart
-I do the research
-I challenge myself, and succeed 90% of the time
-I have unquestionable passion, and drive
-I have the uncanny ability to gather people around me and lead them

What I need to do this summer
-Read books and take seminars on leadership - the department wants me to run some projects next year, and I need to be prepared.
-Practice drawing from life - my design renderings need to be improved.
-Work with slide film instead of digital for photographing my work - slides are better resolution.
-Join metal artists, goldsmiths and other community forums - since I am going to be a leader, people need to know who I am in the community.

Basically, the best critique of my life.

So now, after all the late nights, the lack of sleep, the cuts, burns, bruises, loss of hair, cracked bleeding skin, dislocated limbs, stress and heart-ache - it was WORTH it. Not because of what those 3 teachers had to say. It was worth it when I had set up and I saw everything in that new light - the shiny new parts of my soul on display. They were there because I love what I do, and I can't see myself being happy doing anything else right now.

and thats it.

wanna see the stuff?
Me at deviant art!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Congratulations Happy!!! You deserved all the praise you garnered from your professors. You are a hard worker and passionate about your interests. It apparently show. I hope you share with the rest of us who aren't lucky enough to see your work in person. Take care and get some R&R.


Unknown said...

I am such a n00b. I see the linky over there for your work. Very nice. Outstanding even.