Monday, July 23, 2007

The 7th is released

Yes I am talking Harry Potter and the deathly hollows. By the way, the links in this post will be to vids and photos care of MOI alone. You'll see.

So last Friday, to honor the release of the last Harry Potter book, they turned a Stephen Avenue in downtown Calgary into Diagon Alley. It was a liiiitttle disapointing. Not too much to do, and everything was expensive. Lame.

But there was a fortune teller. Who by the way told me that... yes I am on the path I want... but something really bad will happen, my health will be effected and I'll loose everything. Nice. At the end she was like "think of a yes or no question". So without thinking I chose the girl standby "will I ever find true love". I have to say at this point.. if I hadn't been put on the spot I would have never chosen such a lame question for a couple reasons...

1. IF you ARE going to believe in this stuff... do not ask the questions that involve things that you feel will directly affect how you live you life... like "will I get married" or "will I ever have kids"... so some such. Chances are you'll only get disappointed.

2. I just feel like I should have asked something along the lines of... "will I find this evening lame" ... its non-committal and I can laugh later..

But I was a dumb ass and picked the girlie question. OF COURSE SHE SAID NO!

I choose to ignore her.

There was also some sweet acrobats! They flew on polls!

Also there was this little kid who balanced on this ball thing. It was amazing. Check the vidz I took.

All in all a good night.

I'm still working on the book so I am avoiding Grupthink which is full of spoilers.


We were trying to decide what little pic we should have next to a topic/coment/answer to represent "boring". MY SUGGESTION!? ZZzzzz....

And they used my suggestion! I know I'm a huge dork... but I am super proud they picked it. "A no-brainer" an insider told me... hehe. YAY!

Well one sad piece of info for you guys... my kittie has run away. I'm actually worried because since we moved into the city she hasn't been gone this long, and it's been a couple days. I fear she may have been hit by a car or something. She isn't used to the city. I haven't been able to sleep as well without her...

Please come back to mumma baby... she misses you!

1 comment:

theefamousperson said...

(Kittie come home!!!
Has she come back yet?)
Mmmm. Miss Thawts: most excellent post. You straight-up YouTubed a vid. I like yer style.