Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer sweat

So a few things have happened these last couple of weeks. Some really good. Some really bad. I feel like I am sitting at a bit of a middle ground right now.

My computer BLEW UP.

It's fine. Jamie the computer Don Wan built and set me up a kick ass machine, and he even installed World of Warcrack. Scary. I love my new baby. The only problem is I owe my dear mother 850 bucks for it. Ouch.

I can't wait to second skype it up with my pals soon... but shit has been getting in the way. Another story, for another day.

I'm looking for job #2 this week, but with the stampede in town I hear no one is even bothering looking at resumes. He's to hoping next week will be better then.

I've also taken up smoking dope occasionally with Dave. I like it when it is just us. We are pretty chilled out, and don't sketch each other out. Note to self: do not play "free bird" on guitar hero 2 while stoned. You won't make it man.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the new puter and the recreational drug use. Sounds like phun!

theefamousperson said...

Ha! This whole "I'm gonna get stoned occasionally now" thing is hilarious and great! Just don't let it get in the way of your awesome art.
Hey-- maybe we can post photos to Girls Gone Weed, my new fave myspace friend!